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10 Bucket Lists

I would like to do these 10 things before I die. 1.Visiting Hobbiton movie set in New Zealand I like <Hobbit> and <The Lord of the Ring> movies and books. 2.Learning Gallifreyan  Doctor Who is my favorite drama so I want to learn how to write Gallifreyan. 3.Homestaying in other country I want to get familiar with foreigner. 4.Learning HTML Coding is very useful. 5. Going to Comic-Con I want to see actors and directors with my eyes. 6. Riding Gyro Drop in Lotte World It is very scary amusement ride and I've never tied it. 7. Watching sunset and sunrise of Africa Sunset and sunrise of Africa is one of 100 things you must see before you die. 8. Making a DVD/Blu-ray/music album collection I like watching movie and listening to music. 9. Exploring second hand bookshops I like smell of books and papers. 10. Getting autograph from a famous person It is very lu

Three 30-day goals

    This was very interesting video, so I chose to make my own 30-day goals.    My 30-day goals are writing a movie script of my favorite movie, reading 4 novels, and watching 10 movies. T     For the first goal, I will choose a movie and write a script of the movie every day for 60~90 mins. I am going to write the stage directions in. If I finish this, maybe I can put some pictures of the movie and make it into a script book.     For the second goal, reading 4 novels, I will go to the library every week and borrow a novel. I should try to read one book in a week because I should read another book. I would like to finish reading all series of The Cycle of Earthsea and Bernard Werber's books.     And to watch 10 movies in 30 days, I will make a list of the movies I want to watch, then all I have to do is enjoy the movies! This is a list of what I want to watch: The Shining Titanic Shindler's List The Last Enemy The Soloist Zodiac The Shutter Island

Movie Review: The Wizard Of Oz

    On July 29, GLPS students watched the movie The Wizard Of Oz (1939). The story is about Dorothy and her dog Toto from Kansas who were caught up in a tornado and ended up in Munchkin Land. Everybody told Dorothy that The Wizard of Oz would help her to go back to her home. She meets Tin Man, who wanted a heart; Scarecrow, who wanted a brain; and Cowardly Lion, who wanted courage during the journey to find The Wizard of Oz. But in the end, Dorothy's three friends realized that they already had what they wanted: a heart, a brain, and courage. The Wizard Of Oz won many awards, and it's a very famous movie based on The Wizard of Oz novel.   Many reviews said this movie is good for all ages, but in reality, students slept during the movie. It is a good movie, but not enjoyable for a new generation. Every single student who saw the movie said that it was horrible. It's probably because this is an old movie. They said the costumes, movie set, acting, and

About Me

My name is Na Young Yoon and my English name is Laura. I live in Seoul, Korea.  My hobbies are watching movies, listening to music, and reading books.  My favorite movies are < Inception>, <Iron Man 3>, and  <Leon: the Professional>.   My favorite actors are  Robert Downey Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch.  My favorite musicians/bands are Oasis and Mika.  My favorite books are The Chronicle of Narnia, The Wizard of Earthsea, and Temeraire. Nice to meet you readers!