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Showing posts from August 11, 2013

10 Bucket Lists

I would like to do these 10 things before I die. 1.Visiting Hobbiton movie set in New Zealand I like <Hobbit> and <The Lord of the Ring> movies and books. 2.Learning Gallifreyan  Doctor Who is my favorite drama so I want to learn how to write Gallifreyan. 3.Homestaying in other country I want to get familiar with foreigner. 4.Learning HTML Coding is very useful. 5. Going to Comic-Con I want to see actors and directors with my eyes. 6. Riding Gyro Drop in Lotte World It is very scary amusement ride and I've never tied it. 7. Watching sunset and sunrise of Africa Sunset and sunrise of Africa is one of 100 things you must see before you die. 8. Making a DVD/Blu-ray/music album collection I like watching movie and listening to music. 9. Exploring second hand bookshops I like smell of books and papers. 10. Getting autograph from a famous person It is very lu